Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Week 23 bumpdate!

How far along? 23 Weeks 2 weeks pregnant with baby girl #2!

Baby's Development: Baby Stella is a little over a pound, the size of a mango and growing right along! In the next 4 weeks, her weight (and mine) will double! You can now hear baby's heartbeat through a stethoscope and her skin is reddish in color due to the developing blood vessels. 

Maternity clothes? I found my favorite pair of jeans from last time (they were in my closet the whole time..oops!) so when I want to "dress up" I can wear those! Most days it's leggins, tank top, and a sweater.  I am in a clothing rut because I am SO.OVER. the cold weather.  I just want to wear dresses and tan tops, and capris and feel the sun on my skin. 

Weight Gain? Still about 2 lbs below pre-preg weight.  At this point with Sophia, I had begun to gain some, so I asked my OB if it was something I should be concerned about.  She said I'm measuring on track and baby is growing just fine, so she's not even worried about it.

Am I Showing? Yep!

Sleep? Pretty good for the most part! There are times when I wake up and my hips hurt, so I have been putting a pillow in between my knees, which has helped!

Exciting Moment? We had another Drs appointment yesterday.  Everything looked great and her HR was measuring in the 130's.  It's always been in the 150's, but my OB said that it's totally normal for their HR to get lower the bigger they get.

Gender: Girl! Stella Cate...I love having a name picked out and being able to refer to her by her name.  I have been trying to get Sophia to say Stella, but every time she says "bebe" or "sissy" instead...which is equally as cute!

Stretch marks? Still good here.  My stomach doesn't feel as stretched out as last time (yet) so hopefully I will escape them again! Wishful thinking? Maybe...

What do I miss? Not much right now.  I would love a glass of wine, which is funny because I'm not a big drinker not pregnant.  I guess now since I can't have it I want it?

How have I been feeling? I'm finally feeling great again! For the most part, I am sleeping pretty well and my energy levels are a lot better.  I still have to sit and rest sometimes if I overdo it, but I am feeling a lot better overall. I do get out of breath pretty easily, but I can handle that!

Movement:She is all.over.the.place.  Seriously.  I am kinda worried about when she actually gets here because I feel like she is NONSTOP.  If I wake up in the middle of the night to use the restroom, she is moving.  All day long she is moving.  I had my phone laying on my belly and she kicked it off! I tried to video the kicks, because you can definitely see them from the outside now, but of course as soon as I hit record she stopped...little stinker.

Food cravings: My morning coffee, chocolate milk, sweet tea, and PBJ sandwiches with potato chips.  Pretty sure I would eat those normally, so I'm not sure if I would consider that a "pregnancy" craving.

Food aversions: None anymore, thankfully!

Rings on or off? Still on

Happy or Moody most of the time: Feeling great!

Looking forward to:  Matt's parents are coming to visit on Thursday and their bringing Stella's crib with them! Woohoo! I can't wait to get it put together.  Still on our list is a matress, a dresser, a glider, and a double stroller. In the next few months, we'll need to get the swing put together, too.  I went through Sophia's old clothes and washed/hung them in Stella's closet.  It's crazy to me how small they are!

Comparison: 23 weeks with Sophia HERE.


  1. Tessa Kate was the same way in my belly throughout my pregnancy with her...she moved ALL over ALL the time. And, yes, even out of the womb, she never stops moving, either. Be prepared for an energetic little girl! :-)

  2. Larissa stop being so darn cute. I LOVE your belly updates! Makes me wish I was pregnant :(
