Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Sophia you are FOUR months old!


Sophia's fourth month was from August 1st to August 30th.  She turned 4 months on September 1st.


Weight: At her 4 month check up on September 3rd, she was 15.7 lbs (85th percentile) and 27 in long (95th percentile).  Her head is in about the 59th percentile. Growing like a weed!


Health: Still doing great with Health..thank you Lord!  She had a rough day the day after her 4 month check up due to the shots.  She slept fine that night but the next day, I could tell she didn’t feel well, so I stayed home from work.  We gave her some Tylenol because she had a fever and she was extra snuggly. 

Sleep: Sleep is still great at night.  She woke up once this month around 5:30 and I went ahead and fed her and woke her up like normal at 7:30. I had a feeling she might wake up that night because she was beginning a Wonder Week and hadn’t been eating well that day. BabyWise suggests that around 4 months babies are able to move to the 4 hour schedule, so we did that around August 20th.  It took her about a week to adjust, but once we adjusted she has been doing great! She now eats four times a day at 7:30, 11:00, 3:00 and 7:00 at night.  She sleeps from about 7:30 pm to 7:30 am, which Mommy and Daddy LOVE!


Development/Social: Sophia met Baby Millie this month! Some friends of ours, Candice and Justin welcomed their baby girl Amelia in August and we brought them some dinner one evening and visited with them.The girls are only about 3 months apart and Candice and I were talking about how at this age, it’s such a big difference, but in a couple of years, you wont even be able to tell. :)

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Sophia has also been coming to work with me 2x a week this month and it’s worked out pretty well!  I am able to set up a travel pack and play and she takes her naps in there.  She goes down as soon as we get there in the morning at 9. In between naps, she plays on the activity mat or in her little seat.  She loves getting to see everyone that comes in! We leave at 5 and she goes down as soon as we get home.  It’s working out pretty well for us!

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First day at work with Mommy!

We also celebrated Everleigh’s one year birthday party this month!

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Poor little Everleigh got in a tift with the kitty the day before her party…

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Her personality is really starting to blossom this month!

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Making some crazy faces while “talking”

Diet: Still 100% nursing.  We are planning on waiting until about 6 months to introduce solids and will be skipping rice/cereal and going straight to veggies.


Clothes: There aren’t many 3 month clothes that fit anymore and we have moved up to 6 month sleepers at night. I’ll admit, I’ve become a little addicted to buying Sophia things on eBay! I have found a few fun UGA things and plenty of rompers for the rest of the warm days.


Baby Gear Loves:  We got you a little baby seat this month as you started being able to support your head a little better.  We still had to put a pillow behind your head after a few minutes, but I think you liked being able to see everything from a different perspective!



In just a couple of weeks, you were getting much better at sitting up in it.

You also love chewing on your Sophie toys! You are a drool monster and are covered in drool whenever you are chewing on them.



I found Sophia an exersaucer on Craigslist that Matt went to pick up one day. I spent about 2 hours deep cleaning it.  I SUCK at deep cleaning things, to that’s probably why it took me so long.  I did it during one of Sophia’s naps..I even brought out the Q-tips! But it was worth it because she LOVES it! We put a blanket behind her because she is still a little bit wobbly, but I am sure she will be a little steadier soon!


Likes: Her exersaucer, Sophie the giraffe, her activity mat.



Getting better at sitting up!

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Post Partum: I’m still feeling pretty great.  The only thing that I need to mention in the post-partum department is amount of hair I’m loosing is insane! I have upped my Omegaplex and that has helped some.  Hopefully it’ll stop soon, because I am tired of finding it EVERwhere!


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