Monday, January 12, 2015

20 Weeks with #2

How far along? 20 weeks 1 day...I'm really on the ball with updates, huh? Maybe we'll just shoot for monthly updates this time around.  ;)

Baby's Development: Baby is measuring about 6.5 inches crown to rump and as long as a banana! I had my anatomy scan at 18 weeks 5 days and she measured right on track at 8 ozs! The anatomy scan went perfectly and we are so relieved to know that everything looked great! Unfortunately, Sophia came down with a fever the night before, so Matt had to stay home with her so she wouldn't infect any other pregnant mamas with her cooties. ;) Her uterus is fully formed at this point and she has about 7 million eggs in her tiny ovaries, but will be born with about 2 million, which is all the eggs she will ever have.


Maternity clothes? Yep...leggings all day every day. 

Weight Gain? Just like last time, I've been slow to gain weight.  I got weighed at Urgent Care this past Saturday for some sinus gunk and I am still 2 lbs below pregnancy weight.  I know that it'll all catch up with me in the end, so I'm not too worried about it.

Am I Showing?  I would think so!

Sleep? It's been pretty good the past few weeks, but the past couple of days it's sucked big time.  Stuffy head/cough/sore throat does not make sleeping easy.  Unfortunately the dr said antibiotics won't help so I get to wait it out.  yay.

Exciting Moment? We found out and announced that Whitman #2 is a GIRL!

Gender: Girl! Stella Cate.

Stretch marks? Nope..I thought I saw a few but it was just from my clothes.  However, it did prompt me to start with the stretch mark cream.  I use Mustela stretch mark cream.

What do I miss? Right now, I miss not feeling like a walking snot bucket.

How have I been feeling? Start to get some energy back and my nausea is beginning to go away.  I still take Diceglis as needed, but ever since about 18-19 weeks I havent needed to take it as much.  It makes me sleepy when I do take it, so I still take a nap while Sophia sleeps during the day.  This pregnancy has been almost identical to Sophia's. My nails and hair look amazing, my face is breaking out like a 12 year old, my leg hair has been slower to grow (SCORE!), and I've had mostly the same food aversions.

Movement: Oh yes! This is one active little girl and I love it.  She rolls around and kicks and fist pumps all day long.  On Jan 4th, the day I turned 19 weeks, Matt was able to feel some kicks for the first time.  It happened at 19 weeks with Sophia, too!

Food cravings: I think by this point with Sophia, I was having some cravings.  This time around...nothing.  Like seriously nothing sounds good.  Food is more of a necessity at this point.

Food aversions:No real aversions..just don't want any of it!

Rings on or off? Still on

Happy or Moody most of the time:  I’m going to go with “fiesty"....and "needy" according to my husband! ;)

Looking forward to: Getting some things for this little girl.  I feel kinda guilty because at this point in my pregnancy with Sophia, I'm pretty sure we had her nursery painted and all the furniture all set up.  This time? Nothing.  We have a few random things that I've picked up here and there, but nothing big.  We need her crib, dresser and glider for the nursery.  We also need our double stroller.  I guess that's not too much when I write it all down.  Luckily, we have a lot of stuff from Sophia we can still use. Second kid problems, I guess! I need to start scouring Craigslist for some nursery furniture soon!

Comparison: 20 weeks with Sophia HERE.

It's a GIRL!

Matt and I really wanted to be able to reveal the sex as a surprise to our families on Christmas day.  The only problem was that our anatomy scan wasn't scheduled until after Christmas.  When I went in for my 12 week appointment, my OB told me they also offer gender scans starting at 15 weeks.  I was tempted but also nervous since we found out early with Sophia, and we all know how that all turned out! We decided to go for it and felt a little better since it was my actual OBGYN's office and not a boutique ultrasound place.

We had our appointment the morning of December 12 and I was 15 weeks 5 days.  We didn't tell anyone that we were finding out early because we wanted it to REALLY be a surprise on Christmas! I was honestly convinced it was a girl very early on.  This pregnancy is practically identical to Sophia's, other than my morning sickness being a lot worse.  I had a dream that Sophia was a girl the day before our first ultrasound and this time around, I had a girl dream pretty early on which solidified it for me.  I have been trying to prepare Matt for two girls every since.  ;) His tradeoff is that he gets to buy a gun for every girl we end up having.

The baby was pretty active the entire time, and although it took about 15-20 mins, the tech was able to tell pretty positively that it was a GIRL! Sophia kept looking at the screen and saying "bebe" over and over again.  We decided on the name Stella Cate! I am SO excited for Sophia to have a sister and I love the thought of them sharing a monogram.  Plus, we get to use all of Sophia's monogrammed clothes again. ;)

On Christmas day, we waited until all the gifts were passed out and then had all the grandparents sit on the couch together. We gave each one a gift to open.  The grandmas opened theirs first.  I made two ornaments with pink glitter and Stella's monogram on the front and a "It's a girl" ribbon at the top.  Everyone was so surprised!

Next, we had the Grandpas open up their gifts to announce the name. Because we're classy people, we decided to use bottles of Stella Artois beer. ;) I used some pink Washi tape to cover up the Artois and wrote her middle name, Cate instead.  They loved it!

We LOVED finding out early and are so excited to meet Stella Cate come May! And don't worry...the anatomy scan a few weeks later confirmed she's still a girl.  ;)