Thursday, August 23, 2012

Ready or not...

Here we go!

I know it's been a super long time since I've updates this thing.  Honestly, wedding planning took such a big chunk of my time, there wasn't room for much else. I will definitely go back and do some wedding posts to remember everything. It was such an amazing day for Matt and I and it couldn't have been more perfect. We are so blessed to have so many close friends and family member there to celebrate with us and they made sure that we didn't have a worry in the world.  I got a lot of comments about how much fun everyone had, so I know we threw a great party! ;)

I'll get to the wedding later...

Two days ago...this happened.

What the whaaaa?

There are so many different emotions that describe how Matt and I are feeling right now I can't even explain it.  Obviously we are over the moon excited. I definitely think we are more in shock than anything else.  We both keep walking around in a daze with goofy grins on our face asking each other if 'it feels real yet.' funny thing is I actually found out on the same day one of my BFFs, Natalie, went into labor.

I had been feeling kinda weird the few days before I found out, but I didn't think much of it.  I was a lot more emotional...I got all teary-eyed at a couple of random things.  And I was really craving bacon..and I really had no desire to eat ice cream.  Anyone who knows me, knows what a big deal that is!  I also felt kind of uncomfortable to lay on my stomach...just felt really bloated.  It felt like that lovely time of the I waited..and waited.  Well, it never came, and lo and behold...I found out why! :)

I had taken a test about 5 days prior, but it came out negative, so when I took this one, I was expecting the same.  I was brushing my teeth and left it on the counter.  When I glanced down and saw the results I dropped my toothbrush and just stood there in shock!  Since I was at home that day (Auguest 21st), I sent Matt a quick text to see if he wanted to meet me for lunch. I was shaking and so excited to tell him!I had all these lofty ideas in my head about how I would tell him, and of course I couldn't think of any of them!  So, I took the test, and just put it in a plastic baggie.  I put the baggie in a couple of different boxes and had him unwrap it after lunch.  He was so confused! His face was priceless as soon as he realized what it was and all he could say was..."Are you serious?" haha
I have read and experienced this through so many of my friends that it doesn't feel real that it's ME this time.  I get to be the one that takes belly pictures, and wear maternity clothes, and put up annoying Facebook statuses about being pregnant, and keep reminding Matt that I am growing a human here! Actually...I'm already doing that!

Another part of me is so nervous.  I'm afraid to get too excited because...well, what it something goes wrong? I feel like I'm jinxing it! I'm trying hard to be positive and I know I will feel better when I am farther along.  Since I'm only about 4 weeks now, it's hard not to think about what can happen in the next 2 months.

We knew that we would to annouce it to our parents together.  Both of our Moms as SO ready for grandbabies it's not even funny! My Mom kept asking me why we were waiting until after we got married to have a baby! haha So, I know they will be thrilled!

Even though it's still early, we have the perfect opportunity to tell them this Friday (August 24th).  We are all getting together to celebrate Matt's Dad's (Lamont) birthday.  I know I wont be able to keep this a secret much longer...I'm already trying to avoid talking to people so that I wont spill the beans! I am NOT good at keep surprises like this! So we decided to bite to bullet and announce it to our family this Friday.  Matt and his dad love the Braves, so we got him 3 Braves onesies as one of his birthday presents.  We also made the Prego picture...because, well...I love Pinterest and any ideas I find on there!

We are gonna try and wait to annouce it to others until we are a little further into the pregnancy.  I have my first appointment on September 12th, so I am sure it will fill a little more real.  Right still hasn't sunk in!


  1. LOVE that you blogged all of this!!!! SO EXCITED for yall!!!! And btw i craved MEAT with Kye so I'm guessing boy ;)

    1. Were thinking boy too! And so is the Chinese gender calendar...but I'm definitely not craving meat anymore!

  2. Are you finding out what you are having?!? So excited we need a new blog!!!

    1. We're finding out! We're gonna go do an early gender check at this place Val recommended in Suwannee in about 2-3 weeks!!

  3. Congratulations again! I loved your cute "Prego" picture and wish I would have done something like that. Enjoy every minute of your pregnancy good and bad because before you know it you'll be meeting your sweet little one!

    1. Thanks Amanda! I'm so excited about documenting it all!
