Wednesday, October 24, 2012

8 weeks

How far along? 8 weeks 5 days
Baby's Development: Baby is growing a milimeter a day and it the size of a raspberry! Lips, nose, eyelids, legs, and back are all starting to form.

Maternity clothes? Still no...I did get one of the bella band things from Target to wear with some of my work pants.  I wore it one day, but it was so uncomfortable for me.  It just felt so tight and I felt constricted because I had so many extra layers.  I was not a fan.
Weight Gain? -3lbs
Am I Showing? Nope...just got the bloat going on.  I know I will probably take this back when my belly is bigger, but I am excited about starting to show and actually LOOKING pregnant as opposed to just looking bloated haha
Sleep? I was having some issues waking up with bad headaches and a sore neck.  I got a new pillow which supports my neck a bit more, so it's definitely gotten better.  I'm still coming home from work exhausted and taking a nap or two on the weekend.
Exciting Moment? Our very first OB appointment! How exciting it was to hear the heartbeat and see everything on the ultrasound! It definitely made it feel a lot more real for both Matt and I. We both asked a lot of questions and will be going back in about 4 weeks for the next appointment.  The heart rate was right at 160 BPM! We asked our midwife if it was a boy or girl..but she was not playing our game!  According to the Chinese gender chart and the Ramzi theory, it's a boy...but we will see in a few months!

Baby Whitman in the upper right hand corner..
kinda hard to see, but she/he is there!

What do I miss? FOOD! Seriously..meal are such a chore because it's so hard to figure out what to eat.  I miss being able to actually eat meals with my husband and cooking dinner. I also miss having energy.  I do a load of laundry and it feels like I just ran a marathon! It's exhausting!
How have I been feeling? Some days are good, some are not so much.  I think in comparison though, I have had it pretty easy.  I haven't gotten sick that many times, but the queasiness is pretty constant.
 Movement: None yet..
Food cravings:  I wouldn't say craving per say...I think it's more like what can I tolerate eating.  There is about a 10 minute when I get hungry where I think about certain food tasting good but if I don't have that food right then, they I go back to being queasy. 
Rings on or off? On! Hopefully staying that way for a while!
Happy or Moody most of the time:  I think this week has been about half and half.  
Looking forward to:  The magical 2nd trimester and our next appointment!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

6 Weeks

I know I skipped a week...there wasn't much goin on, so I didn't document it!

5 weeks...told you there's not much going on there other than some bloat

How far along? 6 weeks 5 days

Baby's Development: Baby's brain and nervous system are developing and heart will begin to beat around this time.  Your baby only measures 0.08 to 0.2 inches (2 to 5 millimeters) from crown to rump!

Maternity clothes? Not yet, I have to be careful about what shirts I wear cause since it's so early, I look more fat than pregnant.
Weight Gain? -1 lbs
Am I Showing? Nope, not yet...I do feel bloated though. 

Sleep? Amazing, but I never feel like I am getting enough.  I start a new job this past week and it's been fun adjusting to that new schedule.  I feel asleep Friday night at 7:30pm and woke up at 9:00 am
It's fun being pregnant...? It's not been much fun this week, but I do look forward to finding out each week's changes

Funny moment this week? I got to tell my close girlsfriends this week, because...let's be honest, I can't keep a secret like this to save my life.  They were all super excited! We also got to visit with the Jones Family and sweet baby Everleigh!
Exciting Moment? Telling my close friends!
How have I been feeling? HAH! I definitely jinxed myself by saying that I didn't feel pregnant.  This week, the morning sickness has definitely hit! I usually get it right when I wake up until about 10 or 11 and then in the afternoon around 5 until I go to bed.  So, at least I get a little break, but other that's rough.  I haven't actually gotten sick yet...just a really strong quesy feeling. I'm still super tired, too. Oh...and have I mentioned my face looks like a 12 year old is going through puberty? doesn't.  And the over the sounter stuff I usually use I can't right now, so I have been trying to do more natural things like witch hazel and ACV.  We'll see how that works...

Movement: Nope!
Food cravings:  Not a damn thing.  Everything makes me feeling like vomiting and there isn't a single thing that even sounds remotely ok so I can at least get food in my stomach.
Rings on or off? On! Hopefully staying that way for a while!
Happy or Moody most of the time:  Um..I think I cried like 3 or 4 days in a row this week. HAH! I know that I have been hard to handle, and poor Matt has been doing a superb job of dealing with me.  He's my rockstar.
Looking forward to: Our first Dr's appointment on the 19th of September!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Keeping track of things...

I want to try and keep track of everything as best as I can.  Emily Parker would be so proud! I love these little surveys I've seen and now that I can be the obnoxious pregnant lady...I'm going to play along!

Baby "Bump" the day I found out!
How far along? 4 weeks and 5 days

Maternity clothes? Not yet, but my awesome MIL did buy me my first two pieces this weekend!
Weight Gain? -2 lbs.  I know that wont last long.
Am I Showing? Nope, not yet...I do feel bloated though. 

Sleep? Not the greatest. I have woken up arpund 2am-4am for the past two nights and haven't been able to go to sleep for a couple of hours.  It's hard for me to get comfortable for some reason.  And I have been having some crazy hip pains, so that's been very uncomfortable.

It's fun being pregnant...? And telling Matt I do what I want because I'm growing a human.  He loves it.  Really.
Funny moment this week? Seeing everyone's face when we told them the news!
Exciting Moment? Finding out! Telling Matt! Telling our parents! Lots of excitement this week!
How have I been feeling? Pretty good! Besides the hip pain and lack of sleep, nothing too crazy.  I haven't had any nausea yet or any crazy fatigue.  I don't really feel pregnant! I'm sure that won't last too long, so I am trying to enjoy it while I can!
Movement: Nope!
Food cravings:  Not really...nothing sounds appetizing right now, actually.  No food makes me feel sick, but nothing sounds good, either.  I am trying to get in as much healthy food as I can now.
Rings on or off? On! Hopefully staying that way for a while!
Happy or Moody most of the time:  I think I've been mostly happy.  I'm sure Matt will tell you I've been somewhat moody though!
Looking forward to: Telling all my girls!