Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Sophia's second week!

Sophia's second week was from May 9- May 15th

Weight: We had our two week appointment and little miss is up to 9 lbs and 21.5 inches long.

Health:  Other than some gas issues, we are doing great!
Still loving bath time!
Sleep: During the day, she will sleep anywhere from 1-2.5 hours for naps..most average about 1.5 hours.  During the night she typically sleeps for about 3-4 hours, although we have gotten some 5 hour stretches once or twice.  I am trying to cluster feed in the evenings and do a dream feed around 10:30 to fill her up.  Sometimes I set my alarm for that dream feed and then oversleep it, so it doesn't always happen.

Social: She is starting to have some longer awake times.  And by "longer" I mean instead of 4 minutes while I am changing her diaper after she eats, it's more like 5 minutes.  As any 2 week old, she gets overstimulated and overtired really easily, which makes for some fussy evenings.
We went walking around the outlets and she loved being in the Moby carrier!
Diet:  Still 100% breast milk and for the most part, we are still doing great!  I have noticed that she will sometimes choke while eating and I think it's because my milk comes out too fast, so that is our biggest issue right now. It gives her gas because she is gulping down air. I try to feed her reclined so that gravity is working with me and that has helped some.  

Clothes: We are still in our newborn clothes and we stick to onesies during the day and sleepers at night.

Baby Gear Loves:  I am still loving my Medela pump! We also love our SwaddleMe and Halo swaddlers and use them to sleep every time!  Our Summer Infant Touch monitor has been getting a ton of use since she sleeps in her crib 95% of the time now.  I ordered some "Milkies" to use while feeding and they arrived today! After only using it for two feedings, I love it!

We love our Boppy, too!

Crying: Yes, little miss has found her voice! She is hungry and crying the moment she wakes up and we have had a couple of fussy nights from about 6-8 pm where nothing really helped. She would fight sleep during her evening nap and be really unhappy until she finally ate again about an hour later and wore herself out.

Likes: Eating, sleeping, cuddling, burping, and her play mat.

Post Partum:  Feeling a lot more like myself this week.  Recovery wise, I am still not 100% and still taking Advil for pain once or twice a day as needed.  I am back down to my pre-pregnancy weight this week as well! Woohoo! Thank you breast feeding!

Milestones:  Sophia helped me celebrate my very first Mother's day this week! 

First walk around the neighborhood
Her sun hat is a little large right now...


  1. so glad you're liking the milkies! i LOVE the little chalkboard :) and I WANT her outfit in the first picture!!!!!!! SO CUTE!

  2. so much of your stuff sounds just like us! Oh that infamous "witching hour"! Not fun at all!! I am doing cluster feeds too and dream feeds (when I can wake up or stay awake!) and feel like it helps some. It just gets frustrating when she doesn't want to eat at all during those fussy moments! Oh and we too are having the gas issues associated with gulping and chugging the milk that is on heavy flow! Have you used gas drops?

  3. She is a beautiful baby, her skin looks flawless and she has so much hair
