Tuesday, November 6, 2012

11 weeks

How far along? 11w6d (I'm actually 15 weeks now, so this is a little old)

I know, I know…I skipped a couple of weeks.  Week 9 and 10 basically consisted of me waking up to go to work and coming home and going to sleep 8 pm with multiple naps during the weekend…seriously! I was SO beyond exhausted!

Baby's Development: Baby W measures about 5-6 cm and weighs about 14 grams…about the size of a large plum.  Baby is making hormones like insulin, the liver is producing bile, and the bone marrow is making white blood cells.  Most of the baby’s body systems are fully formed and Baby W is now in “maintain” mode for the next 28 weeks.  (OMG…I will have a little baby in just 28 weeks!)

Maternity clothes? I went ahead and got some maternity work pants.  Mine were getting difficult to button! Matt’s mom was nice enough to gift me with a Motherhood Maternity gift card, so I went there to look around.  The pants I got are SO comfortable!  They look like black skinny work pants, but feel like thick leggings.  I love me some leggings, but let’s be honest, they just make me feel exposed…especially at work, so these new pants work great! I also got a bigger size bella band, but I’m not sure if I’m keeping it or not.

Weight Gain? -5lbs

Am I Showing? Still just bloat, I think.  It isn’t as bad as before, though.  But I definitely feel more fat than pregnant right now haha

Sleep? Sleep is so-so.  Sometimes I am out and sleep all night long.  Most of the times I am waking up 1-2 times a night to use the restroom or get comfortable.  My hips are beginning to hurt from sleeping on my side all the time, so I can only imagine what they will feel like when I have a giant belly!

Exciting Moment? Making it to the 2nd trimester! ( I roll over weeks on Tuesday, so as I am finishing this post, I am technically 12 weeks).  We also have our next OBGYN about on October 19! Woohoo!  I want to hear that heartbeat one more time, and then we will (FINALLY!) announce on Facebook! There have been so many announcements for Spring babies, so Matt and I are excited to finally join in on the fun!

What do I miss? Feta cheese!

How have I been feeling? SO much better! I feel human again! The nausea is gone for the most part and I feel like I can make something for dinner and do some laundry without needing a nap in between! The only negative thing going on is I have been getting headaches like crazy!  People that know me know that it’s pretty typical for me.  But these feel a lot different!  Sometimes I can get rid of them by going to bed…sometimes they linger for a few days.  I really hate to take Tylenol because there were a few days a couple of weeks ago when I had to take it EVERY day and it really worried me.  They’ve gotten a little better, so I try to just tough it out unless it gets unbearable. 

It really still hasn’t sunk in yet and especially now that I’m not feeling as crappy…I don’t even feel pregnant some days! I was talking to my BFF, Val last night and asking her when it sunk in for her with her first, because it’s so crazy for me to think about the fact that there is a BABY growing INSIDE of me!

Movement: None yet..

Food cravings:  Fruit and more specifically oranges for sure! I am averaging about 6 mandarines or clementines a day!  Hope that’s bad for me!  Haha My craving are weird, because I will crave something and eat it for a couple of days, and then I am done with it.  Besides oranges, it’s cheeseburgers, frostys, and cheesy baked potatoes (all from Wendys…how convenient!) and I had a random craving for pita bread and hummus the other day. 

Food aversions: Sweets, any kind of meat, Italian food, and BBQ! BLECH to both! I am trying to get my protein in other ways like eggs and peanut butter now that I can stomach more things.

Rings on or off? On! Hopefully staying that way for a while!

Happy or Moody most of the time:  Happy this week, but I can definitely tell I have a shorter fuse and get irritated quicker than before…especially when it comes to driving!  

Looking forward to:  Our next appointment, finally announcing to the world and finding out the gender soon(ish).

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