Monday, November 12, 2012

15 weeks!

Um...I think my behind is growing more than my belly!

 How far along? 15 weeks 1 day

Baby's Development:  Baby Whitman is the size of an apple or navel orange! He or she is about 4 in long and weighs in at a whopping 2.5 oz. All four limbs now have functioning joints and baby is wiggling and squirming like crazy. Baby is also forming taste buds and may now be able to see light and if you were to put a flashlight up to my belly, they would probably move away from it.  Baby might also be sucking their thumb!

Maternity clothes? I like them better than normal clothes still.  They are still mixed in with regular clothes and leggings, though.  I have found some CHEAP and really comfortable clothes at Ross of all places! And Lord knows I love me a good deal!

Weight Gain?  I am still under my pre-pregnancy weight, somewhere around -4 lbs depending on the day.

Am I Showing? Nothing crazy, but I definitely think I have a little bump now! It’s harder to suck in and I think that people who know me and know I’m pregnant can tell.  I’m not quite to the point where someone is going to stop me in Target to ask me when I’m due, though. Although..holy boobs! They are growing like crazy! I had to go up a bra size early on around week 6..but it might not be long before I have to do it again!

Sleep? Sleep is a little better this week! Hallelujah!  I realized that the reason I am waking up during the night and sleeping poorly was because of sinus yuckiness.  If it gets really bad, I will take a Sudafed or Tylenol sinus ( don’t worry, I checked to see if they were ok first) and that will help.  I actually slept through the entire night on 11/6…something that hasn’t happened in months!

Exciting Moment? Last weekend we went to Agatha Christie, a Taste of Mystery..which is a murder mystery dinner type of show.  It was SO good! It was the first one I had ever been to and I was pleasantly surprised by how much I liked it!

Matt also surprised me with Citizen Cope tickets for Friday, 11/9! I am SO excited! He is my favorite artist and I have been DYING to see him since back in 2008.  Every time he comes to town, I have an event that I just cannot miss.  Last year, it was my company holiday party.  The year before that, I was out of town for a bachelorette party.  I have been listening to his music all week to prepare…it’s gonna be awesome!

I got a new car! While I liked my Jeep Patriot, we really wanted to get something a little bigger that would be more comfortable for everyone (MATT) when the baby came.  The Patriot is a pretty small SUV and if it is just me in it, it’s totally fine.  But Matt kept saying how he felt like a sardine whenever he drove it haha.  It also only has a 4-cylindar so whenever we drove it, it always sounded like it was struggling. 

This is not mine, but it's exactly what mine looks like

 After much debating and back and forth, we decided on a 2013 Jeep Grand Cherokee (yes…we are a Dodge, Chrysler, and Jeep family)! I didn’t want an SUV that looked too much like a mini-van, and although we were really looking hard at the 4 door Jeep Wranglers, I am happy with the choice we made. We have one stylin’ baby-mobile!

So after all of that, I would say it’s been a pretty good week!

What do I miss? Nothing really this week…

How have I been feeling? *knock on wood* I don’t want to jinx myself, but for the past week, my headaches HAVE gotten better.  I did get a bad one on Sunday that I couldn’t get rid of, but other than that, I am feeling pretty good!

Movement: I don’t know! There have been a few times where I *think* I might have felt something, but I’m not to the point yet where I can for sure that is was Baby W or it was just gas!  Hopefully in the next few weeks movement will become more distinct.

Food cravings:  Quiche (don’t ask…), fruit, and salty stuff still.  I think Baby Whitman was tired of my finicky appetite because I have definitely found it this week! I go from full to starving in a matter of mintues.  Not like..oh it's time to eat...but more like sick to my stomach, I am going to pass out if I dont get food in my stomach NOW!

Food aversions: Still not digging chicken, marinara sauce, or sweets.

Rings on or off? Still on!

Happy or Moody most of the time:  Happy I think! Matt might disagree, but he’s not here right now J

Looking forward to:  Gender scan and reveal party next weekend!


  1. YAY for headaches getting better! LOVE the car too...I've always wanted a white car. Zach just has a thing against them. So random? But I think white suvs are hot cars...and if you gotta have a mom mobile you totally wanna have a hot mama one right? ;) while i WISH you'd let the gender be a SURPRISE i am excited to know the news ;)

    1. Thank you! Matt has a thing against white cars, too! He likes darker ones so much better..I love last one was white too! But that goes for everything, he always wants to dark furniture and I always want light haha

  2. I've always heard to try more water for those headaches? I got them too and they used to put me OUT and I drank tons of water-worth a try! :)

    1. Yes! I know that some of mine are water related, too. Before I got pregnant I made a point to monitor my water intake and I definitely noticed a difference. During my first trimester, I could barely choke water down, but it's gotten better now!

  3. I had congestion off and on through the first and second trimesters. It finally tapered off in my 3rd. I believe it's progesterone that can cause it. I used to take Benadryl when I had trouble falling asleep. And dang I want some quiche now too :). I felt the very first movements around 16-17 weeks, the only way I knew to describe them were like mini muscle spasms inside my tummy.

    1. That's exactly what I've been feeling..did you feel them only in one spot? When I feel them and I know it's not gas it's usually on my left side.
