Friday, June 21, 2013

Summary of Week Six

 Sophia's sixth week was from June 6 - June 12
Weight: Not sure..we go back to the doctor on July 1st, but when Matt and I weighed her this week, she was right at 12 lbs.
Health: Looking back, I'm pretty sure that we went through a growth spurt this week. She still has some baby acne on her cheeks and neck.

Sleep: What's that? Seriously...this week was rough in the sleep department.  Her naps were all over the place and she kept waking up early for them.  She had a really hard time falling asleep and was super duper fussy. A couple of days she woke up 3 different times at night to eat..very exhausting! 

Social: This was the week that Sophia really started smiling and responding to us talking to her. She started smiling when we went to go wake her up and it's the sweetest thing ever! I love sitting her in her bouncy chair and just chatting with her..she'll kick her little legs and make the sweetest cooing sounds. It definitely makes an exhausting week worth it!

Diet: Girlfriend was chowing down this week! Instead of being on a 3 hour cycle, she was waking up hungry about an hour earlier.  I just went with it, but she was attached to my boob this entire week!
Clothes: Still growing into the 3 month clothes!

Baby Gear Loves: Same as last week..
Crying: There was a lot of crying this week..she seemed to be hungry and sleepy at the same time and couldn't quite get both of those needs met at the same time.

Likes: Smiling and "talking!"
Post Partum:  Still about 6 lbs under pre-pregnancy weight. Matt and I celebrated our one year wedding anniversary this week by going on our first date without baby!


1 comment:

  1. She looks SO much older this week than last! I bet you're totally right about the growth spurt! love her cute smile!!!
