Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Sophia is TWO months old!

 Sophia's eighth week was from June 20- June 26
Weight:  At her 2 month appointment, Sophia was 12 lbs and 7 ozs. (88th %ile), 23.8 in. (94 %ile), and 15.43'' for head circumference (64 %ile)
Health: Doing great! She had her two month shots this week.  I made Matt stay with her while she got them and I waited outside in the waiting room because I am a big sissy.  She was so pitiful all day afterwards.  At one point, I was nursing her and she would randomly cry was awful! We did end up giving her two half doses of Tylenol which seemed to help.  Thank God it only lasted one day.

Sleep:  We have moved to the 3.5 hour schedule this week. I tried it out when she was 6 weeks old, but she wasn't quite ready.  We tried it again this week and have slowly been moving into it.  I added an additional 15 mins to her awake time and an additional 15 mins. to her naps to make up for the extra 30 mins. It took her a couple of days to adjust, but she did it just fine!
7:00- 7:15ish AM- Up for the day, diaper change and eat and play
8:30 AM- 10:30 AM- Nap
10:30 AM- Eat, diaper change and play
12:00 PM-2:00 PM- Nap
2:00 PM- Eat, diaper change, and play
3:30 PM- 5:30 PM -Nap
5:300 PM- Eat, diaper change and play
7:00 PM- 8:30 PM -Nap
8:30 Bath and eat after
9:30 down for the night
Like I wrote in my 7th week summary, on June 19th, Sophia slept through the night from 10:00 until 7:00 am for the first time.  She went back to waking up for her 4:00am feeding the next couple of days and then on June 27th, she did it again and we have been sleeping through the night since! I can't even begin to explain how excited I's amazing to get a full night's sleep again! I am well rested and I know that Sophia is too! 
Social: She is starting to babble and coo so much more! She loves listening to you talk and if you are cradling her, she loves watching your mouth and she will try and talk back to you.  She also visited with Emma Grace and Everleigh this week at Everleigh's baptism.  

We drove up to Athens to see her and celebrate and was a great little traveler! She took a nap on the way up there, took great 2 hour nap in Everleigh's pack 'n play during her next scheduled nap time, and slept for 2 hours on the way back home.
We also went to a car show this week! She was able to nap in her stroller and we used a clip on fan to keep her cool.  

Diet: Still Momma's milk...before we switched her schedule she was nursing for shorter periods of time, but we are back to normal nursing sessions since she dropped one of the feedings.

Baby Gear Loves: Halo swaddles, Pampers Swaddlers size 1, pump and activity mat, loving our stroller and car seat, too!
Crying: We have such a content and happy baby.  We had a few days in the beginning where she was upset and inconsolable and I cannot imagine it being like that all of the time.  My heart goes out to moms that have colicky babies.  I really do think that such a huge part is due to BabyWise.  A friend sent it to me when I was pregnant and I didn't pick it up until after Sophia was born.  I needed some sort of set schedule and I won't lie..the high percentage of BW babies that sleep through the night early was very appealing! Originally, that is what drew me to BW, but now seeing how content she always is and having others notice and comment on it too, I can see the other pluses to doing BW.  I know it catches a lot of flack, but we never had any issues with the things that have caused controversy.  Sophia has been in the 90-95% for height and weight and it hasn't caused any issues with my milk supply.  I never in a million years would have thought that I would be a Babywise Momma, but I am and I LOVE it!
Likes: Her bouncer and activity mat, eating her hands, and listening to Momma and daddy talk!


  1. Way to go Sophia! I am all about the schedules and think they help so much! We are doing a very similar schedule except Eleanor goes down for the night and wakes at 4 then at 7. Starting tonight, I'm going to start working on dropping the 4am feed. She slept theough the night 3times and it was such a tease! Ha! Question: did you have an issue with your supply once you dropped the 6th feeding? My lactation consultant told me to never drop it bc it would totally diminish my supply!!!! What tha what!!!!

  2. Way to go Sophia! I am all about the schedules and think they help so much! We are doing a very similar schedule except Eleanor goes down for the night and wakes at 4 then at 7. Starting tonight, I'm going to start working on dropping the 4am feed. She slept theough the night 3times and it was such a tease! Ha! Question: did you have an issue with your supply once you dropped the 6th feeding? My lactation consultant told me to never drop it bc it would totally diminish my supply!!!! What tha what!!!!

  3. Thats how Sophia was! She dropped the 4:00 am feed when we moved to the 3.5 hour schedule. She's been STTN for a month now and I haven't noticed any change in my supply...she just eats longer for each feeding so she's still getting enough ozs in. I do eat oatmeal for breakfast every morning and drink tons of water. I don't know if it helps but I like to think so! Good luck!
