Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Summary of weeks 9 and 10

Sophia's ninth week was from June 27 - July 3rd
and her tenth week was from July 4th to July 10th.

**These two weeks were pretty similar and in an effort to get caught up, I will just combine the weekly summary.**
Weight: We went to the Dr. for her two week check up on July 1st and she was 12 lbs and 7 ozs. (88th %ile), 23.8 in. (94 %ile), and 15.43'' for head circumference (64 %ile). I totally got the numbers wrong on the last summary, so I went back and fixed them.

Health: The pedi checked out the back of her head, which was one of my concerns and she said it looked just fine and she wasn't worried about it at all, which was a big relief! 

Sleep: Our schedule is still the same as last week and Sophia is still sleeping great at night! She averages about 10 hours.  She goes down around 9:30 for the night and wakes up between 7:00-7:30.  About half of the time, she is still asleep when I go in there, but sometimes she is already awake and just chillin'.  She is a very happy baby when she wakes up. Her naps are definitely getting better and we even had one day where we have perfect naps...she slept through each one and I never once had to go into her room to soothe her back to sleep.  We are starting to have more and more naps that she sleeps all the way through for which is so great!

Social: She is getting so much more fun and her personality is really starting to come out.  We are finding more sounds and faces that make her break out into her huge gummy grin and I am waiting for the day when I hear those giggles!

We celebrated Matt's birthday on July 6th! Originally we were going to go tubing, but the weather interfered with those plans, so we went bowling instead! My mom came down to hang out and watch Sophia. 
First time taking a bottle from Grandma!
Diet: Still doing great nursing.
Clothes: We are still in size 1 diapers, but will probably transition to size 2 soon.
 Baby Gear Loves: Same as last week- bouncer, activity mat, Medela pump and freezer bags, and multiple burp rags...they are all over the house!

Crying: She wasn't a big crier these two weeks.  I downloaded the Wonder Weeks app and it's been pretty spot on for Sophia.  These two weeks were right after a wonder week for Sophia and the weeks in between, you have a pretty happy baby!  Weeks like these make me think I can handle 8 more babies because it's been pretty easy.  :)  Then a wonder week comes around and I wonder how people with multiple children do it! haha
Likes: Baths, talking, her activity mat and bouncer.
Post Partum:  Still feeling great!

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