Tuesday, November 6, 2012

12 Weeks!

How far along? 12w6d

Baby's Development: Baby is about the size of a plum and weighs about ½ oz. The fetus is also beginning to demonstrate reflexes like grasping, sucking, and hiccupping, although I can’t feel any of these yet. 

Maternity clothes? Nothing new here

Weight Gain? -6.5lbs I officially weigh less now than I did for my wedding haha..isn’t that ironic…all that work I did to drop weight.  I’m sure most of it has to do with muscle tone and all that jazz, I still think it’s funny. The baby has doubled in size in the past three weeks! Grow, baby, grow!

Am I Showing? No, and I’m ready!

Sleep? Sleep sucks right now. I’m sooo tired because I haven’t been sleeping well at all.  I usually get up 3-4 times a night because I can’t get comfortable or I have to pee.  My neck has felt so cramped that it’s giving me headaches all the time.  I tried a massage and that didn’t work as well as I had hoped.  I probably need to go to the chiropractor again.

Exciting Moment? Apparently I jumped the gun on my exciting moment for last week because the second trimester isn’t until 13w3days…oops!  My exciting moment this week was going baby furniture shopping! Matt’s parents were generous enough to help us out with decorating Baby W’s nursery, so Sunday we hit up a couple of places to look around.  We found the crib and the dresser! We are still on the hunt for a good glider, though.  Matt and his dad are going to pick up the crib and dresser today, although they will be in boxes for a while until we can get that office cleaned out. 

What do I miss? Good, solid sleep! And not having headaches this often.

How have I been feeling? Eh…so/so.  The headaches are making me pretty miserable.  I’m pretty sure they’re either sinus related or because of my stiff neck issues.  Who knows..but I’m ready for it to stop! Other than that I’m good!

Movement: Nope..but Im super excited for it to happen!

Food cravings:  Mashed potatoes and fried okra 

Food aversions: Still not digging the sweets or meat.

Rings on or off? On! Hopefully staying that way for a while!

Happy or Moody most of the time:  Happy I think…just cranky during the week because of lack of sleep..and probably a little bit of pregnancy hormones, too.  

Looking forward to:  We have set the date for our gender check and gender reveal party! Woohoo!