Wednesday, November 7, 2012

14 weeks!

How far along? 14 weeks 1 day

Baby's Development:  Baby Whitman is the size of a lemon and its hair and eyebrows are starting to fill in this week and they are covered with a downy coating of hair called Lanugo (for warmth).  Baby can also now squint, frown, grimace, pee and possibly suck their thumb!

Maternity clothes? For work, I’m either in a dress or my new maternity pants from Motherhood Maternity.  I have one pair of jeans that fit ok still, but for others, I am doing the hair band trick.  I think the maternity clothes are much more comfortable and flattering.  They make it look more like I am pregnant than I just ate two double cheeseburgers.

Weight Gain? It fluctuates between -3 to -5 lbs during the week.  I always weigh myself in the morning after using the restroom.  I am still not back up to my pre-pregnancy weight, though.

Am I Showing? It depends on what I’m wearing.  If I am in normal clothes, it just looks like a muffin top. Haha If I am in leggings, a dress, or my maternity pants, then it looks like a teeny, tiny, barely there bump.  I did sent some friends a picture of it to make sure I wasn’t just imagining things and they confirmed!  I really wish leggings were not frowned upon in the work place because I would be in those suckers 24/7 if I could!

Sleep? Sleep is still so-so.  I am starting to wake up more throughout the night for various reasons.  My neck has still been bothering me, and it’s difficult to get comfortable.  I am going to get a massage and facial (I am counting DOWN the days!) with Matt’s mom this weekend, so I am hoping to release some of the tension in my neck.  I’m sure it’s from sitting at a computer and typing all day.

Exciting Moment? Val’s Halloween party! I hate living so far from some of my BFF’s and unfortunately, with our busy schedules, it’s difficult to find time to get together.  So, we use Valerie’s kid parties to hang out J  We got to hang out with Natalie’s baby, Everleigh a little more and see all of Emma Grace’s friends in their cute little Halloween costumes.  Val and Jake did such a good job decorating and there were so many yummy treats there!

We also booked our gender scan appointment! We couldn’t wait until 20 weeks, so Val recommended the Imaging place she used and we will know if Baby W is a girl or boy on November 17th!  We have also scheduled our gender reveal party for November 18th! I only have one day to keep it a secret!

What do I miss? Getting a good night’s sleep!

How have I been feeling? Other than the headaches and the sleeping issues, I’ve been feeling great! I definitely have more energy than before.  I mean..I’m not ready to go run a marathon or anything, but I’m not taking as many naps in my car during lunch. This week I have really noticed a difference in my energy levels.  I didn’t get a big surge of 2nd trimester energy like I have heard some people get, mine has been much more gradual thus far.  Let’s be real, I am still going to bed by 9:00 pm every night, but I am not as hazy/groggy during the day.  I have also been having a good bit of heartburn lately..and it seems to always strike in the morning.  I am also still getting the round ligament pain in my lower abdomen on the side whenever I do anything like move in bed, or sneeze/cough.  Although I read that begins for most people around this time, I have had it from the very beginning…I think even before I knew I was pregnant!
Movement: None yet..I can’t wait to feel them!

Food cravings:  Definitely still craving fruit.  I am also definitely liking the more salty foods compared to sweet (BOY, maybe?)  My cravings are so random and weird.  I will see someone eating something or hear of a food and I can’t stop thinking about it! Someone mentioned Fried pickles and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about them!  Well..I’m liking pickles in general, honestly…how cliché, right?.  Breakfast is the hardest for me because it’s hard for me to want to eat anything because my mouth is always so dry in the mornings.  I wonder if that’s another pregnancy symptom?
Food aversions: Sweets, chicken, marinara sauce.

Rings on or off? On! Hopefully staying that way for a while!

Happy or Moody most of the time:  Happy, but still easily irritated!  

Looking forward to:  My massage and facial with my MIL!

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