Monday, December 24, 2012

21 Weeks!

The bump is growing!

How far along? 21 weeks 6 my, how quickly time is flying!

Baby's Development:  Sophia is about 7 inches in length and she was 14 oz at the anatomy scan.  Baby is no longer being measure crown to rump, but instead, she is being measured from head to toe and is the length of a carrot!  She is swallowing amniotic fluid for practice and it tastes different for her each day based on what I have been eating! She has also already formed taste buds.  Right now, she still has plenty of room for flips, but she will soon start getting more and more cramped in there!

Maternity clothes? Oh yes...and loving them!

Weight Gain? I think I am about 3-4 lbs over my pre-preg. weight.

Am I Showing? Every week I ask Matt is I look pregnant yet.  This is the first time he's said I am going to go with a yes to this question!

Sleep? I still get up to use the restroom at least once a night, so that interrupts things.  It could be could be worse.

Exciting Moment? Matt saw baby kicking from the outside this week! We also had another ultrasound to get some more pictures/measurements the ultrasound tech wasn't able to get at our anatomy scan, so we got to see baby girl on the big screen again.  In true Sophia fashion, she was not cooperating at first, but eventually she came around.  We did get 100% confirmation that she is indeed a girl!

Gender:  Sweet baby GIRL Sophia Caroline!

Stretch marks? None yet..I am lathering up in Burt’s Bees belly oil and thick lotion every morning!

What do I miss? My shirts being long enough! I feel like all of them have gotten too short now. Other than that...nothing!

How have I been feeling? I am getting heartburn and indigestion like crazy! It's an all day thing and it doesn't really matter what I eat.  I am also still getting short of breath here and there, but nothing crazy.  I've noticed it's getting harder for me to bend over at the waist..especially if I am trying to pick something up, but other than that, I am feeling pretty good!

Movement: All the time! I saw her moving on the ultrasound and I could feel her at the same time...that fun to see! I think I felt her hicupping this week too! It was very rhythmic and really up high and lasted a good 10-15 minutes.  At our anatomy scan, she was breech (feet down and head up).  But when we went for the follow up ultrasound today, she had flipped around and her booty was right at my belly button.  She is doing all kinds of somersaults in there!

Food cravings:  Pretty much anything that fits into the "food" category I am a fan of these days. I do get full pretty quickly, but then I am hungry again in an hour or two.

Food aversions: Still chicken…especially if it’s a while chicken breast.  Shredded chicken is ok now… and marinara sauce.

Rings on or off? On! Hopefully staying that way for a while!

Happy or Moody most of the time:  Happy, but still easily irritated!  

Looking forward to:  Spending the holidays with the fam!

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