Monday, February 25, 2013

Week 30!

How far along? 30 weeks and 6 days…64 days to go!

Baby's Development:  Sophia is the size of a head of cabbage at just under 16 inches and almost 3 lbs!  She is gaining lots of brain wrinkles this week because of an increase in brain tissue and some brain monitoring studies show that when she is sleeping, she could be dreaming, although her sleep cycle isn’t aligned with mine.  Her  bone marrow is also taking over the production of bone marrow and much of the soft, downy hair covering her body is beginning to disappear because she is able to better regulate her own body temperature.

Maternity clothes?  Of course! Unless I find a random non-maternity shirt in the closet that is long enough..

Weight Gain? About 11 lbs over pre-preg. weight.

Am I Showing? For sure..there’s no hiding this bump! Just for fun...bump progression..

Sleep?  Could be better…could be worse!

Exciting Moment? I passed my 3 hour glucose test this week! Woohoo! The first hour was the worst! I was so hungry and irritable and dizzy after drinking that sugar-y drink on an empty stomach, I wasn’t sure that I was gonna make it for 3 hours without passing out! But I did… and Matt and I went and ate a huge lunch at Cracker Barrel when it was all over and done with! Why have I never had their pancakes before?  They were amazing!

We got our maternity pictures back and I am OBSESSED with them! Jess did such a good job and they turned out awesome! Although I am sure most of yall have seen them on FB, I’ll do a separate post with all of them so I can have it for the blog...sneak peek below!

We also had our second baby shower this past Sunday.  Matt and I are so blessed that we had so many people there to come celebrate Sophia with us! So much love and hard work went in to putting everything today and we are very thankful to everyone that helped out and came to hang out with us! We got our matress and our diaper pail, so we are very excited to be able to put some more of the big pieces in the nursery and get it put together! We are definitely stocked up on bibs, receiving blankets and onesies, too!

Gender:   GIRL!

Stretch marks? Nothing longer feeling the itchiness, either.  I wonder if she just had a random growth spurt or something last week?

What do I miss? Oh geez…I miss my regular clothes, being able to paint my own toes, not having heartburn 24/7 and not feeling the hip/lower back pain all the time. 

How have I been feeling? So/so this week.  I was pretty uncomfortable this weekend, especially Sunday..which was a bummer cause that’s when our baby shower was.  I don’t know if she was just in an awkward position, or what, but it was definitely difficult for me to get comfortable between my back, hips, and lower stomach…I kinda felt like my uterus was stretching some! I also felt some swelling in my legs Sunday, too…I’m trying to get in some extra water today!  I tried out my prenatal yoga DVD Sunday morning, but it didn’t do much.  I am feeling a little better today, though. :)

Movement:  Tons and tons! I will definitely miss it once she’s here!

Food cravings:  Still loving fruits!

Food aversions: Nope!

Rings on or off? Still on

Happy or Moody most of the time:  Happy!

Looking forward to:  Thursday morning officially starts our bi-weekly dr’s appointments, which we will have until 36 weeks when I will start going weekly.  Also, Matt and I are heading to the mountains for a long weekend with 3 other couples this weekend.  We leave Thursday morning after our appointment, so that means a 3 day work week for me! We plan on turning off our cell phones and just unplugging for the weekend and I can’t wait!

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