Tuesday, March 5, 2013

31 Weeks!

How far along? 31 weeks and 6 days…57 days to go! Time is really flying by, especially now that I am going to the Dr every two weeks instead of once a month.

Baby's Development:  Sophia is about 18 inches long and almost 4 lbs...as big a 4 oranges? Random... Her brain is developing at a super fast pace, with speech and language centers in the middle of development.

Maternity clothes?  Yes, although I am starting my strike against pants.  I wonder if I can get away with dresses and leggings for the next 8 weeks? Although most of my dresses have turned into tunics now..

Weight Gain? 12 lbs over pre-pregnancy weight.

Am I Showing? Oh yea…the other day I looked down at my belly and it was all lop-sided because her booty was poking out!

Sleep?  I miss you! Come back! I have gotten to the point that anytime I have to roll over on my other side I have to hold my belly up and help support it as we make the 5 minute-long move.

Exciting Moment? We spent Thursday through Sunday of last week in the mountains of Blue Ridge with three other couples.  If was so nice to get away from everything for a while, sleep in, and relax! Originally we wanted it to be a babymoon before Sophia gets here, but I’m glad we invited everyone else and spent some time with them as well.

We also had our 30 week dr’s appointment on Thursday before we left for our trip.  Everything is looking great and we now go every two weeks until 36 weeks.  The midwife confirmed that Sophia is head down, so hopefully she will stay that way for the next 8 weeks!  For the longest time, I always felt kicks and jabs on my right side, but after the appointment she twisted around and I felt kicks on my left side for the first time.  The midwife we saw was the same one we had at our first two appointments and definitely our favorite.  She spent a lot of time with us answering random questions that popped up.  The way our insurance works is all of our appointments are done by midwives (there are 3 total in our office) and whoever is on-call the day we go into labor is who will be delivering us.  We are hoping it’s our favorite one!

Gender:  Sweet baby girl!

Stretch marks? Still good here…for now.

What do I miss? Feeling comfortable, sleep, my regular clothes, not having indigestion…the norm!

How have I been feeling? Pregnant..in every sense of the word! I guess that is to be expected this late in the game and I try not to complain about it too much because I know I have had a pretty smooth pregnancy so far.  Some days are a little more uncomfortable than others..today is a pretty good one!  I am trying to make sure I get in as much water as I can because I have started to feel a little bit of swelling in the morning and in the afternoon if I am on my feet too much.  Nothing too bad yet and I am still able to keep my wedding and engagement rings on.

Movement:  She’s getting super strong and moving all the time. Some of the stronger knee and elbow jabs are starting to getting uncomfortable, though!

Food cravings:  Still loving the fruit, smoothies in the mornings and making my daily Zaxby’s run during lunch for their ice…it’s the best!

Food aversions: none

Rings on or off? Still on!

Happy or Moody most of the time:  Happy!

Looking forward to:  Our next baby shower is this Sunday at my Mom’s house.  We have been so blessed with having people offer to throw us showers and celebrate Sophia with us, so I am super excited about seeing everyone this Sunday and spending time with them.

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