Tuesday, January 15, 2013

24 weeks

How far along? 24 weeks 6 days


Baby's Development:  Sophia is about 1.5 lbs right now.  That sounds SO big compared to the poppy seed she was at like…6 weeks, but she still has a ton of growing to do! She is also about 8.5 inches long. Her little face is also almost fully formed. Still no baby fat yet and her skin is kinda translucent.   She is gaining about 6 oz a week at this stage. She is also able to hear all kinds of things in there, including voices, music, and dogs barking. Sections of her lungs are expanding and she is starting to produce lung surfactant, which will keep her lungs from collapsing after birth.

Maternity clothes? Yep! Even though leggings and yoga are starting to sound nice 24/7. Some of my non-maternity shirts are starting to get too short for my liking, but I can wear a maternity tank top with them to make them last a little longer.

Weight Gain?  According to my scale, I am now 6+ lbs over my pre-preg weight.  At my dr’s appointment, I hadn’t gained anything since my 20 week appointment.  The midwife did day that if I don’t gain anything at my 28 week appointment, they will do another growth ultrasound just to make sure everything is still good.  But she said that since I just had my 20 week ultrasound and everything looked great, she’s not too worried about it.

Am I Showing? Definitely!

Sleep?  Not much has changed here..still so-so.  Sometimes it’s great, other times it’s not.  The humidifier I got didn’t do as great for my sleep as I was hoping.

Exciting Moment? My dr’s appointment this week.  Although it was just a check up, so there wasn’t much to it, I feel like I’m progressing more and more with each one.

Gender:   Girl!

Stretch marks? Still none yet..

What do I miss? I miss being able to eat normal sized meals without feeling uncomfortably full.

How have I been feeling? Pretty good all things considering.  I mean..I am growing a human, so it’s probably not going to be comfortable!  I am feeling some of the typical pregnancy aches and pains, especially back pain.  My ribs are also sore by the end of the day.  I am feeling stretched out for sure!

Movement: For a couple of days, movement wasn’t as strong or as often.  I mentioned that to the midwife to see if it was something I should be concerned about.  She said as long as I am still feeling her every couple of hours that I shouldn’t worry.  Of course the day after the appointment, Sophia was punching and kicking all over the place!

Food cravings:  Nothing crazy this week…

Food aversions: I think all of my aversions has disappeared, but I do have to watch what I eat so I don’t get bad indigestion.

Rings on or off? On! Hopefully staying that way for a while!

Happy or Moody most of the time:  Happy, but still easily irritated!  

Looking forward to:  There isn’t anything soon on the horizon.  No big milestones or anything.  But our first baby shower in a couple of weeks..so that’s exciting!


  1. So cute!!! congrats on the "bump" . . . I have two little girls myself! excited to follow your journey! stop by and say hello sometime; follow if you like reading xoxox
